Tag Archives: Prevention

Doctor Talk

Doctor Talk

It is obvious that most of the information accumulated by your doctor comes from you.  Therefore you are best qualified to keep your own organized records in a notebook, file or on your computer. These records should include any allergies, sensitivities, unusual bleeding or discharges, pain or other symptoms experienced by you and any unusual events in your life such as trauma (physical and emotional), falls and injuries.

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The next step is to look at all your prescriptions and to record all the details listed on the label, including dates, dosages, contra-indications and other recommendations. Next record all medical treatments, hospital stays, procedures, surgeries, dental treatments and doctor visits and the reason for these in details.

When blood tests or any other testing is required a copy of the results should be obtained by you and a proper explanation by your doctor should be given. It is often beneficial to review these tests results and  to compare them to normal ranges and values, giving you the opportunity to make lifestyle changes or add supplements before the issues become serious and must be treated with prescription drugs or surgery.

Keeping these records for you and your family does not eliminate any visits to your doctor but is very helpful in providing all relevant details when needed.

Salt and Sodium

Salt and Sodium

Practically all man-made and prepared foods contain a mixture of sugar, salt and sodium. Most chefs will tell you that taste is all about balancing the palette, the balance between salt and sugar as they are the most powerful sensors of the tongue. Sugar is acidic on the PH scale, whereas salt is alkaline.

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Salt and sodium are more insidious than sugar, as we never expect them to be so undermining to our health. About 40 percent of salt is sodium and 60 percent is chlorine. Sodium is a life vital element found in fruit, vegetables, meats and legumes. In addition humans have developed an addiction and add salt to their food beyond what occurs naturally in their diet.

Although a small amount of sodium (about 500 mg) is essential to normal body functions, it is estimated that the average person consumes 4000 to 5000 mg a day. It is widely understood, even by medical science that large amounts of dietary sodium result in high blood pressure (hypertension), and may lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. If we eat a balanced diet, all the salt we need for a healthy body is supplied by it.

Salt is well documented for its ability to preserve everything from mummies to beef from decaying. In the early 1800’s salt was the number one preservative in the Americas and ensured an adequate supply of meats and grains for the winter season. Later canned foods were introduced loaded with salt – healthy foods do not come in cans. Salt has caused more problems than it has solved as a supplement.