Tag Archives: Pimples

The Dangerous Triangle Of The Face

face Triangle

If you ever had some type of acne or zits in your facial area, especially around the area of the upper lip and nose you know it is hard to resist the temptation of squeezing and picking? We all want to look perfect and any blemish or pimple must be eliminated.

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There is an area which starts from the outside corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and maxilla (the area forming the upper jaw and the roof of the mouth) that forms the so called dangerous triangle of the face.

Due to the special nature of the blood supply to the human nose and surrounding area, it is possible for infections from the nasal area and the associated bacteria to spread to the brain, causing  symptoms to include decrease or loss of vision, bulging eyes, headaches and paralysis of the cranial nerves.

The dangers are due to the fact that the middle part of the face has veins outside and inside the skull that communicate with each other. These veins have no valves and allow a reverse draining system so the blood flows back to the parts of the brain.

Therefore, if you had a pimple and popped it open you may invite bacterial contamination leading to something as simple as a headache, eye problems, and fever or it could develop to more serious afflictions such as sepsis (a potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infections) and muscle paralysis.

So – hands off when it comes to pimples, acne and zits in that area.