Tag Archives: Base

Acid / Base Metabolism


Most Western diets contain too many acids relative to alkaline substances, especially animal proteins vs. vegetables products. In addition most people are under a great deal of stress and these two factors combined over time, create  long-term acid stress in the body. Our bodies have a great capacity

to buffer acids but over time these systems become chronically over-burdened. Ultimately, acids are stored in the connective tissue where a change in pH has consequences on the functioning of nearly every system in the body.

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The best way to support acid-base metabolism is to change the diet and lifestyle patterns which can result in chronic acidity. The body  must compensate by either producing more bicarbonate (alkaline), for example by releasing it from the bones, or by storing these accumulated acids in the extracellular tissue for future removal.

A constantly acidic urine is a reflection of an ongoing need to eliminate excess acid. In chronic acidosis due to diet and stress the net acid load constantly outweighs the ability of the body to replenish bicarbonate. When this happens, acids are stored to prevent blood pH from becoming out of range, first in the extracellular matrix and ultimately inside the cells. This acidic extracellular matrix can result in many different health issues including: chronic pain, fatigue, osteoporosis, allergies and cancer.