Tag Archives: Allergies

Children’s Exposure to Bacteria

Children's Exposure to Bacteria

Is the pursuit of a bacteria-free world making us sick? The rising incidence of asthma and allergies in the developed world could be tied to the relatively sterile environments our children live in compared to a generation ago. Children are not exposed to harmful bacteria and consequently are given antibiotics to kill bacteria, do not receive the germ exposure required to make antibodies. More specifically, they do not develop T-helper cells, which fight foreign cellular invaders and minimize allergies.

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For several years scientists have been uncovering signs that illness can result when the immune system does not get enough practice fighting bacteria and viruses. Several epidemiological and experimental studies have put this hypothesis on firm ground. Although it had been thought that the immune system required periodic infections during childhood, researchers now argue that the main problem is that the children have become squeaky clean. They suspect that children need contact not with disease-causing microbes, but with bacteria in soil and untreated water, particularly with organisms called mycobacteria, to strengthen their immune system.

The continuing rise in allergies coincides with the acceptance and use of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers, the ultimate in excessive cleaning. Antibacterial soaps are applied to the hands and bodies in the shower or during hand washing with warm water, allowing them to easily enter the body while pores are open. There is gathering evidence that these anti-bacterial ingredients are also carcinogenic. Washing hands the old fashioned way, with regular soap and water will send the bacteria down the drain and no harmful substances enter the body’s bloodstream. Read more….

Original Ancient Grains

Ancient Grains

Due to the interest in living healthier lifestyles there is a renewed interest in ancient grains. A rise in food allergies is making wheat and especially gluten one of the most controversial foods in recent years.

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Research has shown that ancient grains often provide a richer source of nutrients suchas protein, Vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus, copper, selenium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc and many others. They are also less likely to be problematic for persons with food sensitivities, but special attention should be paid to grains containing gluten. Ancient grains are more nutritious and have less likely been modified. In addition to the health benefits, many people like the taste of these ancient grains, such as quinoa, amaranth, kamut and spelt which are often distinctive in flavour, texture and diversity.

10,000 years ago these ancient grains were first cultivated in the fertile Crest at the dawn of the agricultural revolution and then introduced to Asia, Europe, Northeast Africa, India and Arabic peninsula. Ancient grains and seeds have come to us from past generations and remain true to their original form. Also known as heritage or heirloom grains, these ancient grains are just as nature intended them to be – simple and healthy. Most people limit their grains to wheat, barley, corn, oats and rice, but ancient grains can add variety to the diet and are worth exploring.

Doctor Talk

Doctor Talk

It is obvious that most of the information accumulated by your doctor comes from you.  Therefore you are best qualified to keep your own organized records in a notebook, file or on your computer. These records should include any allergies, sensitivities, unusual bleeding or discharges, pain or other symptoms experienced by you and any unusual events in your life such as trauma (physical and emotional), falls and injuries.

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The next step is to look at all your prescriptions and to record all the details listed on the label, including dates, dosages, contra-indications and other recommendations. Next record all medical treatments, hospital stays, procedures, surgeries, dental treatments and doctor visits and the reason for these in details.

When blood tests or any other testing is required a copy of the results should be obtained by you and a proper explanation by your doctor should be given. It is often beneficial to review these tests results and  to compare them to normal ranges and values, giving you the opportunity to make lifestyle changes or add supplements before the issues become serious and must be treated with prescription drugs or surgery.

Keeping these records for you and your family does not eliminate any visits to your doctor but is very helpful in providing all relevant details when needed.

Pet Allergies

pet allergies

Allergies to pets with fur or feathers are common, especially among people who have other allergies or asthma. It is estimated that 15 to 30 percent of people with allergies have allergic reactions to cats, dogs, dust mites and pet dander. Some of these people with dog allergies may be allergic to all dogs or to only some breeds.

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Cat allergies are about twice as common as dog allergies. Cat and dog allergens are everywhere in your home, especially in your carpets and bedding. Pet dander is even in homes never occupied by these animals because it is carried on people’s clothing. The allergens get in the air with petting, grooming or stirring the air where the allergens have settled. Once airborne, the particles can stay suspended for long periods of time.

If you must have carpet, select ones with a low pile and steam clean them frequently. Better yet, use throw rugs that can be washed in hot water.

Wear a dust mask to vacuum. Vacuum cleaners stir up allergens that have settled on carpet and make allergies worse. It is best to use a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter if possible.