Category Archives: Weight Loss

Real Foods


When foods are depleted of their natural nutrients the consequences are poor health and/or unwanted weight gain. Those getting the least amount of nutrition will gain the most and those with the highest intake of vitamins and minerals are able to stabilize and balance their weight more easily.

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Low  nutrient levels can trigger uncontrollable cravings that make it almost impossible to resist the temptations of eating large amounts of foods without satisfying the need for the  nutrients our bodies require on a daily basis.

Once we understand that poor nutrition plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight we need to make certain that we consume adequate amounts of essential nutrients every single day to avoid fatigue and to avoid a slow metabolism with its many side effects.

We can get our daily nutrients from 6 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables along with proteins such as meat, chicken, eggs, fish, seafood and healthy fats.

White Fat vs. Brown Fat


In humans and mammals two types of adipose tissue or fats are present. Brown fat is mostly found in infants and hibernating mammals – white adipose tissue or white fat is common in adults. One of its functions is to store the extra calories, nutrients and energy and it is also responsible for ever expanding waistlines, muffin tops, love handles and bulging thighs.

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In contrast, brown fat expends energy in the form of heat and it is crucial for maintaining body temperature in newborns and hibernating mammals. Brown fat takes up very little space and until recently it was believed that adults had very little or none. With most brown fat cell disappearing as we get older – this explains why our metabolisms also slow down with age.

We know now that brown fat is stimulated by a signal sent to the brain to increase circulation and to release white fat when there is a change to cold temperatures.

One way to activate the brown fat cells is to gradually turn off the hot water towards the end of a shower and to spend another 30 seconds letting the cold water invigorate your neck and shoulders. This will stimulate the brown fat into action and assist in the breakdown of the unhealthy white fat accumulated in all the wrong places.

The Four Basic Female Body Shapes


The female figure is a combination of a woman’s skeletal structure and the quantity and distribution of muscle and fat. A woman’s body type is often expressed by bust, waist and hip measurements.

Estrogen level have a significant impact on a female’s body shape, especially during the productive years. Besides other functions, estrogen promotes the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts and the widening of the hips.

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Height will also affect the appearance of the figure and a taller woman with similar measurements to a shorter counterpart will look slimmer and less curvaceous since the distance between the measuring points is at greater distance.

Independent of fat composition, weight and height, female bodies are categorized into four elementary geometric shapes with a wide variety of actual sizes within each shape.

Rectangular – if the waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hips and bust measurement with body fat being distributed in the abdominal area, the buttocks, chest and face, creating a typical rectangular shape.

Apple Shape – these women have broader shoulders compared to narrower hips and slim thighs with fat distribution in the abdominal area, the chest and the face.

Triangle Shape – the hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement and the fat deposits tend to go to the buttocks, hips and thighs. This body type supports a larger rear end, thicker thighs and a smaller chest.

Hourglass – the hips and bust measurements are almost equal with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both, the upper and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips and rear before the waist and the upper abdominal area.

A study conducted in 2005 found that 46% of females were rectangular shaped, about 20% were tringle shaped, 14 % were triangle shaped and only 8% fell into the category of hourglass shaped and the rest was a combination of shapes.

Which Diet Works Best?


There are many different weight loss plans and products available today. Most will give you some results while others are strictly a temporary fad created by someone’s imagination. Most restrictions

of high fat, high carbs and high sugar will temporarily work and could give you the desired results if you could only stick to it long enough and modify your overall eating habits.

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Diets like the Atkin’s Diet, South Beach Diet, Dukan, Paleo and many others are based on restricting carbohydrate intake or at least eliminating processed carbs such as white flour and sugar. However the reality is that most diets will not eliminate the cravings for your favorite foods and do not allow you to fully enjoy social activities centered on entertainment and food.

The biggest problem is the psychological aspect of changing our habits from indulging in foods we love and the comfort we derive from them to a more disciplined approach of making choices and to plan for healthy meals in advance.

So – what is the best diet? … THE ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU!

The search continues for a miracle pill to cure obesity which would allow you to have your cake and lose weight at the same time. And that is the reason we keep on searching for the newest and latest weight loss program with the hope to find an easy solution to one of the most widespread health hazards of modern times. In most cases restricting the foods we love would also take care of extra weight gain.

There is lots of information available on how to change your eating habits. A diet is a great way to start eliminating some unwanted pounds, but it is a change in lifestyle that will permanently keep you at a desired weight.

The Net Carb Solution to Weight Loss

Most Diets require that you actually count calories, restrict carbohydrates and/or fats during that period. Net Carbs, which represent the total carbohydrate content of the foods minus the fiber content reflect the grams of carbohydrate that significantly impact your blood sugar level.

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These are the only carbs you need to count, the only carbs that are important. Foods that are low in Net Carbs such as a variety of vegetables and fruits do not have a significant impact on your blood sugar and are less likely to interfere with weight loss.

As you continue with your weight loss program you can adjust the amount of carbohydrates, in the form of Net Carbs that you are able to tolerate while continuing to lose weight, keep your appetite under control and maintain a healthy level of energy.

With the Net Carb weight loss program it is important to eat at least 40 to 60 grams of protein and another 20 grams of carbohydrates without restricting fats. Up to five meals (3 meals and 2 snacks) can be eaten throughout the day.

It is also of utmost importance to stay well hydrated – 8 glasses of water a day and to eliminate added sugars. To kick start your weight loss and the fat burning process the elimination of most carbohydrates – including fruits – is necessary for the first few days.

Most fish, poultry and meats do not contain any carbs and by adding vegetables such as lettuce, cucumbers, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cabbage and Brussel sprouts you can enjoy fabulous meals without feeling hungry or deprived.

Another option is our Net Carb weight loss program which includes more than 60 varieties of protein based meals and snacks.

The Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet

The original diet of humans was only raw food, before the discovery of fire and unnatural processing. A raw food diet is more powerful than most medicines, since natural nutrition is full of powerful nutrients and free of chemical additives or preservatives.

The Caveman diet is a version of the raw food diet, named for ancient humans in extreme conditions, who consumed raw food of their local environment. Grains were not part of their diet and today, they are still not part of a raw food diet. Meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beneficial oils and limited fruits or berries are included.

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Because cooking destroys or weakens the most potent nutrients, a raw food diet is considered an alternative medicine approach to strengthen the immune system and obtain optimal levels of nutrition. Organic and chemical-free options are the best choices.

To adapt to the Caveman, or Paleolithic diet, meat may be cooked medium-rare, eggs may be served with a runny yolk and vegetables may be juiced, for easier digestion. Butter, milk and two servings of fruit may be consumed, daily. Unlike a vegetarian diet, plenty of protein is included.

By definition, raw food should be unheated and uncooked, non-homogenized and unprocessed, in order to preserve enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Other alternative treatments, such as parasitic cleansing or heavy metal detoxification, are also beneficial. A raw food diet can cure disorders where other remedies have failed-including prescription medicines.

Fats – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Fats - the good, the bad

Eating healthy is a challenge with so many different food choices available.  If you think that fat is responsible for your weight gain you are right, but there are other factors. Being over-weight is much more complicated and cannot be blamed on fats alone. It’s simple, people who get little physical activity and eat a diet high in calories are going to gain weight. Hereditary factors, age, sex, and lifestyle also play part and contribute to weight-gain. Eating more calories from fats, carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol than you burn off leads to excessive weight gain.

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Fat is calorie-dense, at 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein have only 4 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram. It’s easy to overeat on fats because it is part of most of our favorite foods – as in French fries, most processed foods, cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, steaks, and cheese.

But it’s easy to get confused about good fats vs. bad fats and how much fat we should eat. Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. We actually need fats, we can’t live without them. In fact fats are an important part of a healthy diet, they provide essential fatty acids, deliver fat-soluble vitamins, and are a great source of energy. They play a big part in helping you manage your moods, keep you mentally fit and control your weight.

Bad fats, such as trans-fats and hydrogenated oils have been blamed for weight gain, clogged arteries, and inflammation, while good fats such as the mono unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3s have the opposite effect.

The number one fats to avoid or to reduce are the trans-fats and hydrogenated oils. These fats are often difficult to detect and make up 30 to 40 % of the typical North American diet. Look at the labels – look at the ingredients.

Salt and Sodium

Salt and Sodium

Practically all man-made and prepared foods contain a mixture of sugar, salt and sodium. Most chefs will tell you that taste is all about balancing the palette, the balance between salt and sugar as they are the most powerful sensors of the tongue. Sugar is acidic on the PH scale, whereas salt is alkaline.

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Salt and sodium are more insidious than sugar, as we never expect them to be so undermining to our health. About 40 percent of salt is sodium and 60 percent is chlorine. Sodium is a life vital element found in fruit, vegetables, meats and legumes. In addition humans have developed an addiction and add salt to their food beyond what occurs naturally in their diet.

Although a small amount of sodium (about 500 mg) is essential to normal body functions, it is estimated that the average person consumes 4000 to 5000 mg a day. It is widely understood, even by medical science that large amounts of dietary sodium result in high blood pressure (hypertension), and may lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. If we eat a balanced diet, all the salt we need for a healthy body is supplied by it.

Salt is well documented for its ability to preserve everything from mummies to beef from decaying. In the early 1800’s salt was the number one preservative in the Americas and ensured an adequate supply of meats and grains for the winter season. Later canned foods were introduced loaded with salt – healthy foods do not come in cans. Salt has caused more problems than it has solved as a supplement.

Leptin and Obesity

Leptin and Obesity

One would think that eating too much would result in an abundance of nutritional support for cells. But being overweight and undernourished at the same time is a reality that is just beginning to be understood.

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Overweight people often suffer from gross malnutrition because the nutritional values of the basic foods available to us have been steadily dropping. Excessive caloric intake from too many processed white foods, with the fiber removed along with many vitamins and minerals, is the fast track to leptin resistance. Since it is hard to overeat so-called natural foods, excess calories usually come from junk foods. Dieters are not just starving themselves of calories, they are starving themselves of vital nutrients on top of already existing mineral deficiencies.

Leptin is a hormone that triggers a sense of feeling full. A leptin deficiency can cause overeating, leading to obesity and obesity-related deficiencies. Most people do not have a leptin deficiency – they have a leptin resistance, which is a serious health issue. Essentially they are overfeeding their body but the perception from the brain is that they are starving because they are actually missing vital nutrients such as magnesium. New research finds that these hungry brain cells then release “feed me” signals, which drive up hunger, slow down metabolism and therefore cause diets to fail.

When leptin is working properly, it prevents nutrient spillover by telling insulin to shut off. Every time excess food is eaten (more than what the body needs for energy) leptin and insulin levels surge. Leptin resistance leads to insulin resistance which further establishes leptin resistance. Syndrome X, also known as metabolic syndrome, is a combination of insulin resistance, leptin resistance and glucose intolerance. More……

Bulimia and Anorexia

Bulimia and Anorexia

Bulimia is the secret practice of eating, usually to excess and then either vomiting or taking bowel purging substances to ensure evacuation the next day or sooner. Bulimics tend to believe they are in control of their body and follow strict rituals of elimination.

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The bulimic may be well informed and know the fat, sugar, salt content and calories in an amazing amount of foods. They may use all kinds of vitamins and supplements and are often experts on metabolism, digestion and disorders of the gut. They are a virtual resource of health related information.

Bulimics and anorexics are extreme perfectionists and are not happy with their appearance. They are terrified of what might happen to their bodies if they stop their practice, they feel it is out of their control to discontinue their habit. Bulimics believe they are too smart to be caught. They are the chameleons of the nutrition world, as they appear to be like all of us, but in fact are very different.

Bulimics and anorexics need isolation to carry out their starving, binging and purging, as it is not a socially accepted activity. Those that are affected most by bulimia or anorexia are individuals in a situation, which is dependent on looking good which includes actors, models, dancers and sometimes high profile public personalities and teenagers.

To break these habits it is important to support the individual with encouragement and an environment of supervision, creating self confidence and acceptance.

Syndrome X

Syndrome X

If you are putting on weight around the waistline despite healthy eating habits. If you feel constantly tired, relying on snacks or coffee to get you through the day? The problem might be Syndrome X.

A commonly accepted definition of Syndrome X, also referred to as metabolic syndrome, might be a generalized disorder whose four main symptoms are hyperglycemia (a greater than normal amount of glucose in the blood)  hyper-lipidemia (an excess level of blood fat), hypertension (characterized by elevated blood pressure) and central obesity. Presenting two of the above is generally considered the diagnosis criteria for this disorder.

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The main risk factors are:

Stress – recent research indicates prolonged stress can be an underlying cause of metabolic syndrome by upsetting the hormonal balance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, causing high cortisol levels to circulate, raising glucose and insulin levels, which in turn cause insulin-mediated effects on adipose (fat) tissue.

Central obesity – is a key feature of the syndrome, reflecting the fact that the syndrome’s prevalence is driven by the strong relationship between waist circumference and increasing fat deposits. However, despite the importance of obesity, patients who are of normal weight may also be insulin-resistant and have syndrome X.

Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity – many components of metabolic syndrome are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, including increased adipose tissue, reduced HDL cholesterol and a trend toward increased triglycerides, blood pressure, and glucose levels.

Aging – Although the syndrome affects both men and women in the same way, women are particularly vulnerable, especially after middle age and with respect to that demographic, the percentage of women is much higher than that of men.

Symptoms may include muscular weakness, fatigue, dizziness, weight-gain or obesity, cravings for sugar and carbohydrates or stimulants such as coffee, tea or cigarettes.

The good news is that Syndrome X can be managed and the risk factors minimized by changes to lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, weight reduction and stress management.

Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten Sensitivity

Symptoms of gluten sensitivity include bloating, abdominal discomfort, pain, diarrhea, or it may present a variety of extra-intestinal symptoms including headaches and migraines, lethargy and tiredness, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity, autism, schizophrenia, muscular disturbances as well as bone and joint pain.

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Gluten is defined as those proteins, commonly found in wheat, triticale, rye, barley or oats to which some persons are intolerant and can develop a sensitivity to at any point in life.

Until recently, the terms gluten sensitivity and celiac disease were used interchangeably. However, emerging research is beginning to identify the differences that exist between celiac disease, wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity. If the medical history of a patient, along with clinical tests, rule out celiac disease and wheat allergy, a diagnosis of gluten sensitivity may be considered. Treatment for all three conditions is a gluten-free diet. The difference being that with wheat allergy drugs may be administered, whereas in the case of celiac disease a gluten-free diet needs to be adopted since even ingesting very small amounts of gluten-containing food could cause damage. In the case of gluten sensitivity, the withdrawal of gluten from the diet may only need to be temporary.

Wheat, in addition to creating gluten sensitivity, is also an appetite stimulant, it makes you want more – more cookies, cupcakes, pretzels, candy, bagels, muffins, tacos, pizza. For some people wheat is addictive much like a drug and can influence behavior and mood. Imagine, something as simple as wheat can effect the central nervous system much like nicotine or crack cocaine. The good news is, research has shown that the drug-like neurological effects can be reversed by eliminating gluten from your diet.

Look and Feel Young, Sexy and Fit


Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year. Did you know that all of this is reversible at any age? 

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That there are specific ways to move, eat, and think that tell your brain to STOP this rapid aging process… and even SLOW IT DOWN to the point where you’re aging less than a year for every year? It means you can look younger at 40 than you did at 35… or younger at 50 than you did at 40!

Once you hit 40 years of age, whether you’re a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 EXTRA months for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 46. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day… just look around you. More…

Raw Food Diet


The original diet of humans was only raw food, before the discovery of fire and unnatural processing. A raw food diet is more powerful than most medicines, since natural nutrition is full of powerful nutrients and free of chemical additives or preservatives. The Caveman diet is a version of the raw food diet, named for ancient humans in extreme conditions, who consumed raw food of their local environment. Grains were not part of their diet and today, they are still not part of a raw food diet. Meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beneficial oils and limited fruits or berries are included.

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Because cooking destroys or weakens the most potent nutrients, a raw food diet is considered an alternative medicine approach to strengthen the immune system and obtain optimal levels of nutrition. Organic and chemical-free options are the best choices.

To adapt to the Caveman, or Paleolithic diet, meat may be cooked medium-rare, eggs may be served with a runny yolk and vegetables may be juiced, for easier digestion. Butter, milk and two servings of fruit may be consumed, daily. Unlike a vegetarian diet, plenty of protein is included.

By definition, raw food should be unheated and uncooked, non-homogenized and unprocessed, in order to preserve enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Other alternative treatments, such as parasitic cleansing or heavy metal detoxification, are also beneficial. A raw food diet can cure disorders where other remedies have failed-including prescription medicines.

Quantum Healing Institute offers alternative approaches to wellness, including the most effective dietary approaches for healing and slowing down the aging process. Let them show you how raw food or protein diets can be used for preventing or curing ailments, while providing optimal nutrition.

Female Weight Loss


To lose weight is difficult to say the least. What makes the difference between men and women is that women have to deal with hormonal imbalances on top of it.  There is a way to take advantage of this hormonal factor and to help you create the best body shape for your current body proportions, regardless of your present weight. The one hormone level that sets women apart from men is the same hormone that allows women to take advantage of the excess levels and are uniquely relevant for giving you the body shape and size desired.

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Especially after childbirth, some women find it extremely difficult to get rid of the extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy and are finding themselves emotionally depressed and frustrated.  After trying everything on the market from low fat, low carb and low calories.

Science has discovered that the metabolism of Weight Loss is controlled by one master hormone  and this one hormone makes all the difference between a healthy weight and a slow metabolism resulting in extra weight gain in women.

Get Rid of Cellulite

There is a simple, powerful way to get rid of cellulite leaving you with a sexy lower body. You will also learn the secret to keep it that way. It involves 3 critical principals that need to be addressed. First – why you have cellulite in the first place and what is it. Second – what makes is worse and third – how to get rid of it. If you are frustrated about all the empty

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promises, here is something that works and works quickly, giving you back your self-esteem and confidence. You too can experience the smoothing and tightening of your problem areas without the use of fake pills, diets or other useless products.

Find out about some unique and rare tips on how to release your cellulite, for a sexy lower-body. This is based on true physiological science on how to stop the actual CAUSE of all the unattractive, mushy dimples and saggy shadows in your lower-body trouble-spots and problem areas. In addition if you have any excess, unhealthy body-fat, then these principles will help to burn it off, giving you tightly-toned and super-smooth lower-body contouring.

Vegetarian Diet and Vitamin B12 Deficiency


If you consider becoming a vegetarian or follow a vegetarian lifestyle then getting enough vitamin B12 should be a concern. Researchers have long known that a strict vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products including dairy and eggs may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency and possibly anemia and heart disease.

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Vitamin B12 is abundant in meat, poultry, and especially fish and seafood and in smaller amounts in eggs, cow’s milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products and unlike some other B Vitamins it is not found in any plant based food.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin is made by bacteria in the soil and water. Animals eat foods containing these bacteria, and then the animals become sources of vitamin B12 for humans. The functions of Vitamin B12 is to form and maintain healthy red blood cells, form and maintain healthy nerve cells and to make DNA, the genetic material in cells.

If you are a vegetarian and have been for a long time, if you are taking antacids, or are getting older and experience some gastrointestinal disorders the most likely missing nutrient could be Vitamin B12.

Sources of vitamin B12 are vitamin B12 fortified soy milk, vitamin B12 fortified cereals, Vitamin B12 fortified meat analogues (food made from wheat gluten or soybeans to resemble meat, poultry, or fish), vitamin B12-fortified energy bars, and vitamin B12 supplements. These are vitamin supplements that do not contain animal products.